Friday, April 1, 2016

| Conveyor |

We picked up a new (to us) conveyer today.  Planting shells should be a little easier thanks to this piece of equipment.  It was quite an undertaking to get it into multiple pieces in order to get it back to the creek.  After a lot of thinking and brainstorming we made it home without any hiccups!

Taking off the legs to get the conveyer on the trailer

Bracing the conveyer in order to move it

Removing the brace

Almost ready to move it on to the trailer

Pushing the conveyer on the trailer

Andy and Forrest inspecting their work

She's ready to be strapped down

The (very) patient onlookers

Securing for transport

I think he's thinking, "Shew, glad that's over!"

Some of the brains and muscles behind the conveyer acquisition 

Pulling in to home base

Time to get it off the trailer

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